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EnteroTracker® is an innovative method developed by EnteroTrack, enabling routine sampling of upper gastrointestinal content using a minimally invasive, office-based procedure. It involves a string-based sample collection technology designed to support disease detection and management in the upper digestive tract.

The procedure involves the use of a simple, safe, and reliable string-based collection method to obtain mucosal samples from the upper gastrointestinal tract. These samples serve as a liquid biopsy, allowing analysis for biomarkers indicative of disease status.

Samples obtained through EnteroTracker® can undergo comprehensive analysis for proteins, microbiome content, metabolome, as well as various cellular and nutritional byproducts. These analyses provide valuable insights into disease conditions and progression.

EnteroTracker® has been utilized for monitoring conditions such as eosinophilic esophagitis (EoE) and evaluating the microbiome in the upper digestive tract. It serves as an alternative to frequent invasive endoscopy and biopsy procedures, offering a breakthrough technique for monitoring upper digestive tract disorders.

EnteroTracker® offers routine monitoring of esophageal inflammation in EoE without the need for repetitive invasive procedures. It supports precise insights into disease progression, treatment responses, and management. Additionally, it significantly reduces healthcare costs for both patients and the healthcare system.

Yes, EnteroTracker® is a safe and reliable method for obtaining mucosal samples from the upper GI tract. It has been tested on hundreds of adults and children and has been shown to be safe and effective.

EnteroTracker® aims to provide wider accessibility, especially in areas where traditional endoscopy with biopsy might not be available or affordable. It offers an alternative solution for effective care.

EnteroTracker® samples offer direct access to early disease markers in the upper gut, providing detailed information on disease progression. Health professionals prefer these samples due to their ability to offer granular insights and ease of administration.



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