Welcome, Researchers, to the forefront of groundbreaking innovation ingastrointestinal health with EnteroTracker®.

Innovative Sampling Methodology
- Liquid Biopsy Analysis:Access mucosal content samples as a liquid biopsy, enabling comprehensive analysis for disease-related biomarkers at reference laboratories.
- Comprehensive Analysis:Explore samples by analyzing proteins, microbiome components, metabolites, and diverse cellular and nutritional elements for extensive animal health insights.
- EoE Monitoring Application:Discover the potential of our string test in monitoring eosinophilic esophagitis (EoE) and evaluating the microbiome, reducing the need for frequent invasive procedures and revolutionizing research methodologies.
- EnteroTracker®:A Research Game-Changer.
EnteroTracker® is a paradigm shift in research methodologies, offering invaluable advantages:
Continuous Monitoring:
Observe esophageal inflammation in EoE without the repetition of invasive procedures, providing nuanced insights into disease progression and therapeutic responses.
Financial Efficacy:
Drastically reduce research costs while ensuring wider accessibility, particularly in regions lacking affordable endoscopy facilities, thus broadening the scope of research endeavors.
Groundbreaking Innovation:
Supported by two decades of meticulous research, EnteroTracker® sets new standards by providing accurate, minimally invasive, and cost-effective solutions.
Empowering Your Research
EnteroTracker® empowers researchers like you with unparalleled tools to delve deeper into gastrointestinal health. Our commitment to scientific rigor and patient well-being propels the research community forward.
EnteroTracker®: Precision Redefined
Our samples correlate remarkably with biopsy results, capturing equivalent content and vital biomarkers for comprehensive analysis, thereby accelerating your research goals.
Preferred Choice for Research
Researchers value our sampling method for its direct access to early disease markers, superior performance over other non-invasive techniques, easy administration without risks or adverse effects, and its cost-effectiveness in delivering reliable research insights.
Explore the possibilities with EnteroTracker® and transform the landscape of gastrointestinal research and contact us for further information.
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